Our 10 Core Values.
Create Value for Our Authors: Our primary concern as we satisfy our customers’ needs, and our own goals.
Goal-driven Direction and Strategy: Know where we are going, why, and how we are getting there. We plan our work carefully. There is nothing worse than a job well-done that shouldn’t have been done at all. (Peter Drucker). We understanding our own fallibility. We constantly realign by asking “What are we missing?” We engage our authors to understand the pathway to recurring, residual income that builds from a comprehensive program of author passion, customer engagement, a focused publishing team, and multiple media streams that build their platform.
Culture-Centered: We understand that Culture controls outcomes. We operate with mindfulness in everything we do. Since culture is the energy that underpins every business, our culture must:
Show RESPECT for everyone
CREATE VALUE for our customers first - knowing that by doing so, our value will come to us as a by-product of our efforts on behalf of our customers. We always put forth a little extra value to our customers.
Show MATURITY by ensuring that each one of our team makes the best of every situation.
Show KINDNESS in response to challenge – We are outspoken as we help our authors shape their stories.
Emphasize FAMILY values and sticking together: The Family that works together, stays together. We are all family at One Stop Publishing.
Leadership by example: Walk the talk! We honor diversity in all its forms. We are hard-working, ethical, efficient, strategic, flexible, and respectful. We always leave things better than we find them. We support personal growth on our team by intention for everyone in the company as we focus on thinking well first, and knowing that every stumble is a win. We create Karma, emphasize the future over the present, and celebrate the magic our authors create.
Dedicated to Teamwork: TEAMWORK & Publishing Excellence! We are dedicated to being good managers: We don’t expect what we don’t inspect. We are solution focused: We continuously explore the development of our authors.
Anabolic Confrontation: We confront catabolic energy and action while maintaining anabolic force and culture using consequences which must be delivered and adhered to obtain better outcomes for long-term sustainability. We are graceful and take responsibility for our actions!
Learning-Focused: We are a “learning company” embracing innovation and sustainability. For our business model to be sustainable, we must change as needed. We embrace new ideas as the old ways become obsolete.
Re-cycle – Re-use – We are dedicated to sustaining our environment.
CAN-DO :Our signature trait is Determination: thru belief in ourselves. “Yes we can! And Yes You can!”
We are not victims – ever!! We thrive on the opportunities that roadblocks placed in our way represent.

“I’m going to have a good day. I don’t care how bad anyone else tries to make it.”
— Karen Bailey