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For Professional Publishing - Choose One Stop Publishing
Fun & Adventurous with a Touch of Whimsical – But We Mean BUSINESS. And business means creating value for our authors – every step of the way!
One Stop writing coaches fully prepare you to publish your book.
You will have guidance from the first word to the last. Your coach will collaborate with you, listen to your ideas and your passion, and help you get it all down in the pages of your book.
Coaching includes shaping your vision by setting goals (milestones and deadlines) and keeping you moving forward.
All good writers need a coach! Join us!
Professional editing is important to your manuscript. With a mama bear protective attitude, it’s easy to resist the work of editors. Yet editors are your best friends. Not only do editors fact check your manuscript, but the second set of eyes they provide helps you to avoid humbling mistakes before printing.
For submittals to websites, journals, contests, best-selling lists, sellers, and even bookstores, clean, organized, well-reviewed writing is a pre-requisite. With your author hat trained on your message, you often can miss the important grammatical and technical work that will define the acceptance of your manuscript in the professional writing world.
Join One Stop Publishing and we’ll provide editing and reviews that not only improve your manuscript but also make your manuscript the best it can be.
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. We disagree! The One Stop team works together with the author to draw from the inner workings of the heart, mind and spirit behind the writing. This allows us to craft and develop a visual image that creates a window—a glimpse into the story. The end goal is to entice viewers and turn them into buyers. And as they go from viewers to readers of this beautifully crafted work, turning the pages, they will engage in a fully integrated visual experience from the outside in, which serves to accentuate the writing itself. Reading should be an all-inclusive adventure, in our opinion!
Building a network isn’t just a refinement of your friendship skills—it’s not about being popular.
Networking is about recognizing the strengths others have and dovetailing those strengths with your own strengths for a common purpose to reach your goals.
Join One Stop Publishing to connect with our team of goal-oriented professionals who will help you develop your writer’s voice and produce a great manuscript.
As you network with our talented, like-minded team, you’ll grow your sphere of influence and prepare to publish. We’ll help you put the work in to succeed.
Marketing is about connecting with your reader to produce sales. In the board game of chess, the Queen is the most powerful piece. In marketing, connection is Queen. Once you’ve produced a professional manuscript, the work of connecting to your audience and sales begins.
We’ll help you create a marketing strategy for your manuscript that integrates your connections with our resources. We’ll leverage our resources and integrate social media, radio, TV, and print to publicize and gain visibility to create sales.
It’s hard work, but if you have a quality product and you put the time into marketing—you’ll be rewarded.
Website presence is everything in our modern era. With a One-Stop designed website, authors will speak their story to the world with a cohesive brand that is sleek, organized and tailored appropriately to their own individual style. Web development includes written content, hand-picked imagery, developed color palette and font selection which would all be married to the book design and overall brand. Website features, such as blog hub + newsletter connection and email collection + social media integration + shopping cart + more, give authors a place to shine and share their works. We also train our authors to use their own websites, giving them the power to update and run it themselves.
Lava is a four-letter word. Think for a moment of images of lava rolling dangerously down a hill destroying houses and vegetation. Social Media is like lava. It is hyper-effective communication that utilizes our sight and other senses to energize our emotions, access our brains, and initiate action. It is more powerful than symbol-based language. Social Media messaging is refined storytelling that directly and quickly engages us. We need to carefully message our audience.
Visual images more easily inspire us without the hindrance of language. Visual connections create information hyper-travel links.
Whether it is Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TicTok or Facebook, these platforms connect deeply with our audiences.
The great thing about social media is that it’s not a one-way street from you outward. With Social Media, your audience quickly boomerangs back to interact with your message.
Great imagery choices also provide calls to action.
Like topping on a cake, our brands shine through when we use great messaging.
Join our One Stop team to help build your platform with powerful and responsible calls to action.
Is the book launch the most important part of your author journey?
No. It’s an important milestone on your journey to perfect your craft and share your story. How you market your book for sale matters. The platforms you choose for visibility matter.
After your manuscript is finalized, your next job is to sell your “pièce de résistance”—the very words you’ve sweated over and re-written a thousand times.
That moment deserves ALL of your energy. Your book won’t sell itself. It won’t find its way into a bookstore without a lot of help.
It won’t jump off the shelves once it’s there.
You have to be the force, the lever— that transforms connections into $ales.We can help.
Contact One Stop Publishing to get started.